Category Archives: Educational

What are the dangers of mixing alcohol with weed?

A rolled weed with a lighter and alcohol

While getting crossfaded can offer cannabiseurs the perfect mix of both worlds, sometimes this enhanced buzz isn’t always the most enjoyable experience. Both alcohol and marijuana are psychoactive substances that have the power to change the way people think and feel, and when heavily mixed, they can have mind-altering effects that make some users sick […]

Is it possible to overdose on cannabis?

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By definition, an overdose means that a person has taken a large enough amount of a drug for it to be considered toxic, and while overdoses are not always fatal, it’s dependent on the person, how much they consumed, and whether they were also using other drugs. Nevertheless, in terms of cannabis, an overdose is […]

Health considerations for cannabis consumers

weed facts

Just because smoking weed is the most common method of cannabis consumption, it doesn’t mean that it’s the best choice for those looking at ways to benefit their ongoing health. In fact, while this preferred method may hit your bloodstream quicker than other marijuana products, long-lasting potency can be found among many smoke-free alternatives. So, […]

Weed at work rights for medicinal cannabis patients

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It can be difficult for patients in Canada to maintain their daily need for cannabis products, especially if their employer possesses a strict workplace impairment policy. So, instead of prohibiting your ability to work, learn the lowdown of how you can exercise your rights to use medicinal cannabis in the workplace.  What are your employee […]

How to use a disposable vape pen

dab pen in front of marijuana plant

The market for disposable cannabis technology is growing, which means that there are many advantageous and user-friendly products popping up online and in dispensaries every day. However, the ideal choice for cannabis retailers and consumers has been leaning towards disposable dab pens, a seamlessly simplistic technology that comes already charged as a handy pick and puff time-saver. So, […]